On Driving
Before I met my friends to a badminton game, I went to driving lessons taught by one of our workers. Finally, after months of waiting, I can finally sit behind the wheel.At first, I thought it was gonna be chicken. But you gotta coordinate your feet. At least I knew where to put my left feet (in the clutch only, THE CLUTCH ALONE). When the car was still running when I removed my feet on the gas pedal, my 'teacher' said "Preno, preno!" I stepped on the brakes like I would in those car racing games. You could imagine the three of us (me, mom, and teacher) hurling forward because of the sudden brake.
First lesson was atras abante. First I got so confused with the releasing of clutch and stepping on gas. It was fun, having to shift gears and do all stuff like that. I always wanted to learn how to drive then drive my mom to everywhere she wants. I always complain that she drives like a well, a turtle. And then she complains of me driving too fast.
Second lesson was how to back the car when for example, you made a mistake in turning the wrong road. It was kinda hard because I release the clutch and the car goes dead. And then there's this truck waiting for me to leave! I got too nervous and had to give it to teacher.
Third lesson was to make ikot ikot around the neighborhood. That was my favorite part. And I was driving really fast hahaha....
Next lesson was how to park. God bless me......
After that, I went to play badminton with a couple of friends. I'm quite tired but still okay. Hope to repeat this feat. Hahaha....