22 December 2006

Last Day!

December 20 was the last day of classes for the Thomasians (well, not generally all, because some courses have their last day in advance), and I was quite excited to go to classes because our chemistry professors are throwing a Christmas party for our section 1Chem. We were all so excited for the program. The only downside is that we still have to don our white uniforms.

Mam Dilan, one of the lab professors, did not take the attendance and announced that we’re gonna have an Xmas party. Food from McDonalds’ was brought up to the laboratory, and our male professors—from Sir Mario to Doc Sev (the DEAN)—were present. So we had this so-called “feeding program” where we broke the rules: we ate inside the laboratory.

The awards ceremony was next. The first batch of awards to be given out was those who weren’t absent or late during the first semester. Sadly, I WAS MARKED LATE ONCE BECAUSE I JUST WENT TO THE RESTROOM! Came next were the academic excellence awards for chemistry lab and lecture. We had a photo op with Tito Fortune afterwards.

The feeding program resumed and our president started giving out the “WEIRD” awards. The fun thing about these weird awards was that our professors got to know the funnier side of their students. These are the examples of the weird awards:

- the clumsiest person of 1Chem (the special individual who always trips on his/her own foot)

- the clumsiest person around the laboratory (the special individual that has broken the most number of glassware)

- the siksiest award (the HEALTHY pair)

- professor’s favorite award (the special individual always called to recite)

- and so on and so forth

The fun part was next…drum roll please…Professor Charades! My blockmates and I laughed our intestines inside out because of the performances. The professors were even trying to guess(mouthing to each other Sino kaya yan?), only to be amused that sila na pala yon!

That afternoon of December 20, I had the chance to join UST’s annual university-wide Christmas party, the Paskuhan. Since it was an open party, Nikko came to join us. We also saw a lot of Uneans. Paskuhan was a very casual party, with all the students trekking to the soccer field and laying down banig or newspaper on the grass. It was like we were at Luneta and having a picnic.

The Paskuhan usually starts with a Mass from all the priests of the University. After Mass, the soccer field lights were turned off and the rector lit up the big Christmas tree in the field. A millisecond later, the first few rockets of pyrotechnic display shot up to the sky and amazed us. The fireworks were SO SPECTACULAR. Nikko vowed to come back next year.

There were bands that were going to play, but I didn’t stay to watch it. Instead, my blockmates and I exchanged gifts and took some good pictures. After that we said our goodbyes and Merry Christmases, and off I was to get ready for the Unean Reunion 6 the next day!


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